Welcome to Love and Light Jason

 I specialize in tailored 1-on-1, presentations, speeches, and seminars that emphasize the power of positive thinking. My goal is to help clients feel empowered and confident as they express their spirituality.

I share my Near-Death Experience with anyone who seeks to find the truth. 
Available for 1-on-1 chats, interviews and public speaking.

S e r v i c e s

About Jason

In April 2020, I had a profound Near-Death Experience. My NDE occurred while I was in the ICU. Covid caused tumors to develop in my lungs that later ruptured, causing me to drown in my own blood. My NDE has profoundly altered my life. I share my story and my thoughts about our purpose here on planet earth, about religion, Christianity, and more.

Videos & Interviews

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How Can I Help You?

1-on-1 chats


Public Speaking

Frequently Asked Questions

Bible, Truth or Lie?

For 50 years of my life, I believed that the Bible was Father's breath! I believed in Heaven and hell. I believed good and bad, right and wrong, and that we were all sinners unworthy of Father! Upon my own death in April 2020 all that I was taught to believe in was a lie. The bible is wrong. Jesus is NOT what Christianity made him out to be.

Are you afraid of Death?

First and foremost, there is no such thing as death! Yes, this physical body will die. Your transition home to the non-physical world is filled with unconditional love and light.

What is the purpose of Life?

We incarnate here on earth so we can learn. Earth is nothing more than a playground for us to experiment with. Everything here is an Illusion. Nothing here is real. We simply play our lives, I mean every part of our life that we want to experience. There is no good, no bad, no right, no wrong! Everything is simply an experience!!! We simply come here to learn!


The truth about abortions is that they are fine. If the incoming soul does not feel loved, it will try again with the same parents. If the soul still feels it will not be loved, that soul will simply choose a different family.

“Jason was a kind, listening ear when I had no one and he helped me through some tough, dark times. It brought me hope and solace to imagine the things that he went through, to believe that heaven is real and that there is more to life than the struggle."

— Elliot Avery

Contact us

Send us a message with any inquiries about chats, interviews, public speaking, or questions you have about my NDE and the afterlife that I can answer for you in a video on my YouTube channel.

About Love and Light

Love and Light Jason is a public speaking business located in Wisconsin, USA. My mission is to help clients feel empowered and confident in their spirituality. I specialize in tailored presentations, speeches, and seminars that emphasize the power of positive thinking. Our goal is to help you find your voice and let your light shine through.